Called to Serve

 Upon the United States entry into the Second World War, huge numbers of people were either enlisting or being drafted into the armed services of the United States all across the country. The state of  Wisconsin was no exception, with draftees and volunteers being recruited from the local area of Waukesha and across the whole state. The backgrounds of everyone being recruited were all unique; people from all walks of life were in some way involved in the war effort. Some were simply apart of the military during the time and may have traveled to various regions of the war, some were directly involved with the fighting itself. Their origins were irrelevant; everyone who could fight would fight.

There are a number of noteworthy local examples of the variety of people who served in WWII. Some were educated here at Carroll University, others had no more than a middle school level education. Some lived in local Waukesha, others came from the major Wisconsin cities. All of them served with honor, and this exhibit examines a number of these noteworthy examples.